In 2013, we had a pivotal moment that would change the landscape of construction in Nepal forever. We stumbled upon the realization that the hemp plant could be utilized in constructing modern and comfortable homes using hempcrete. Despite the abundance of wild hemp plants in the mountainous regions of Nepal, these resources were often left unused or even destroyed. However, this realization sparked our vision to build homes using hempcrete in Nepal and set us on a journey to make it a reality.
Our journey to build homes using hempcrete in Nepal wasn’t without its challenges. When we started the project in 2016, the first obstacle we encountered was the lack of a dependable supply chain for hemp stalks. Importing the material from Europe was not an option as it went against our goal of establishing hempcrete construction as a local and sustainable building technology in Nepal. To overcome this challenge, we turned to the mountain villages where the hemp plant grew in abundance and approached the villagers to sell the hemp stalks to us instead of burning them as waste. The villagers agreed to our proposal, but the process of chopping the hemp stalks was too labor-intensive for them. To keep the project moving forward, we decided to receive the whole hemp stalks at our warehouse, despite the added transportation costs.
Over the past six years, we have worked tirelessly to develop a small-scale hemp processing line that would allow us to process the hemp stalks into usable forms for construction. With the help of engineers, local fabricators, and welders, we have built a processing and packaging line. Our efforts have paid off as we have successfully processed 100 tons of wild hemp stalks, separating the hemp shivs, fiber, wool, and dust into usable forms for our customers.

With the success of our hemp processing line, we now have the ability to replicate it in various remote areas of Nepal where the hemp plant grows in abundance. By bringing the processing facilities to the source of the hemp plant, we aim to promote the use of hempcrete technology for local construction needs and create truly sustainable and carbon-negative housing and buildings in Nepal. Our goal is to reduce dependence on imported building materials, support the local economy, and create a greener, more sustainable future for the country.
The use of hempcrete in construction is a game-changer, not just in Nepal but globally. Hempcrete is a carbon-negative material, which means that it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, making it a sustainable and environmentally friendly building material. Moreover, hempcrete is fire-resistant, thermally insulating, and has excellent acoustic properties, making it an ideal material for construction.
Hempcrete construction also has numerous economic benefits. By reducing dependence on imported building materials, it supports the local economy and creates job opportunities. Additionally, hempcrete homes are more energy-efficient, reducing energy costs for homeowners and reducing carbon emissions.
We are committed to promoting the use of hempcrete technology for local construction needs and creating truly sustainable and carbon-negative housing and buildings. Our goal is to make hempcrete construction the norm in Nepal and inspire other countries to follow suit.
In conclusion, the use of hempcrete in construction is a revolution in the making. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but it also has numerous economic benefits and is a sustainable building material. At Shah Hemp Inno-Ventures, we are proud to be at the forefront of this revolution and to be leading the way in
Hi, looking for more information to start a building project using Hemp in Dharamasala, Himachal Pradesh.
Hope you can help and guide me.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for reaching out. Please email us details of your requirement on and I will be happy to help you take it forward.