About Us

Shah Hemp Inno-Ventures is a social enterprise based in Nepal, is transforming wild-grown hemp into a catalyst for fair employment, economic growth, climate change mitigation, eco-friendly construction and sustainable hemp-based products.

Dhiraj K. Shah and Nivedita Bansal founded Shah Hemp Inno- Ventures in 2015. Dhiraj is a wireless communications engineer and Nivedita is a psychologist & life coach.

Before co-founding SHIV, Dhiraj has worked as a researcher in Engineering labs in Germany and Portugal. Since 2004, he has been actively researching the industrial uses of hemp while developing his own machinery, approaches to hempcrete construction, and product designs.

Dhiraj oversees all product development and machinery needs at SHIV, while continuously driving innovation across the company’s operations. 

Nivedita’s experience includes working for NGOs in India and Portugal. She has a keen professional interest in human resource development. Her mission is to support people in creating more meaningful and abundant lives. Co-founding SHIV with her husband gave her a way to influence people’s lives for the better every day.  She manages administration and human resources, while co-creating positive social and environmental impact with her team.   

Together, Nivedita and Dhiraj work with local stakeholders to create meaningful employment, hemp-based housing, and unique hemp craft products that support the development of their community.

“We treat our social and environmental impact as a primary measure of success for our business and prioritize it even in cases where it may not drive profitability."

Our Mission

Shah Hemp Inno-Ventures is on a mission to utilise the hemp plant as a catalyst for economic, environmental and social benefits across the local communities in Nepal that are influenced by our work. We seek to create a model of community investment through product development that can inspire positive global change.

Guiding Principles

Innovation for Worker Benefit

The use of custom-made machines for individual worker use improves output. We provide more secure employment, rather than replacing humans with big industrial machines.

Sustainable Manufacturing

Our manufacturing system maximizes productivity while minimizing waste.

Our 5Rs for the Environment

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle

How We Work

We utilize the whole hemp plant that grows in the wild all across Nepal
Our processes are facilitate skills development within our local communities
We connect people locally and globally to create positive impact
Our sustainable processing facility is where we create a wide range of products from the whole hemp plant
Complete Bamboo Framing with Hempcrete
Our company's structures are built with bamboo and hemp
Reach out to us to learn more about our replicable model of utilizing local natural resources, while developing sustainable products in partnership with our workers
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